Banking and Financial Services Fraud
Have you felt cheated by a bank, credit union, credit card company, or other financial services company? Were you hit with charges you weren’t expecting or forced to pay extremely high interest rates? Have you been charged with overdraft fees or extended overdraft fees that you feel were excessive or wrong?
At KalielGold PLLC, we represent the little guy against some of the largest financial service companies in the country. Our attorneys have had stunning success challenging and changing the practices of even the largest banks.
We want to help you get your money back. KalielGold PLLC is a 100% contingency law firm and we don’t get paid unless you do.
If you’ve felt tricked by a bank or financial services company, contact us today for a free case consultation by filling out the form below or calling us at: (202) 350-4783.
Note: The use of the this form does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.